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Analysis And Repair of Mold Closing Faults in Injection Molding Machines
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Analysis And Repair of Mold Closing Faults in Injection Molding Machines

Publish Time: 2024-03-25     Origin: Site

After working for a period of time, if the injection molding machine experiences a shortage of finished products or a mold locking failure, adjusting the origin of the support mold is ineffective. After stopping for one night and restarting, the above situation can occur again after working for a period of time

1. Machine oil temperature inspection (oil temperature 35-55)

2. Check if the motor vehicle is equipped with a frequency converter (Interference)

3. Check the internal parameter settings of the machine

4. Check if there are any poor connections in the wiring related to the ejector pin

5. Electronic ruler and circuit inspection for supporting molds

6. Check and clean the mold closing, mold holding solenoid valve or relief valve

7. Mold closing, mold support mechanism, injection cylinder oil seal inspection

8. There is a problem with the supporting robotic arm, which means that the locking signal to the injection molding machine is delayed or not present.

Another issue is that when the top pin retracts the limit line, the line should be reorganized and the limit system checked before checking the set locking parameters such as low voltage time, cycle time, etc. Also, it is important to check whether the wiring of the safety door is secure. Generally, these issues can be solved by starting from these aspects

9. What needs to be determined is whether the locking signal has started or not. The most important thing is to see what information is on the main screen when the locking signal is not visible, which is crucial for analyzing the cause of the fault

10. The three core wire of the locking electronic ruler of the machine has poor contact, it can be replaced


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