Reasons for uneven color of injection molded products
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Reasons for uneven color of injection molded products

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The main reasons and solutions for uneven color of injection molded products are as follows:

(1) Poor diffusion of colorants often leads to patterns near the gate.

(2) Plastic or colorants have poor thermal stability. To stabilize the color tone of the product, it is necessary to strictly fix production conditions, especially material temperature, quantity, and production cycle.

(3) For crystalline plastics, try to ensure that the cooling speed of each part of the product is consistent. For products with large wall thickness differences, colorants can be used to mask color differences. For products with uniform wall thickness, the material temperature and mold temperature should be fixed.

(4) The shape, gate form, and position of the workpiece have an impact on the plastic filling situation, causing color differences in certain parts of the workpiece, which need to be modified if necessary.




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